Wednesday, October 10, 2007

The Next President

This month the National Federation of Republican Women met for their convention in Palm Springs, California. Giuliani was the winner of the straw poll taken there with 50.25% of the 756 votes cast. Fred Thompson only polled 20.94%. However, Joseph Bottum, the editor of First Things predicts that Fred Thompson will win the nomination AND a slim election victory over Hillary Clinton....Is this but wishful thinking for a true social conservative??? Here's the ending paragraph to his article... Or, at least, so far. Rudy Giuliani will have to run the table on Super Tuesday, winning nearly every primary on February 5 after losing all the ones before. Maybe he can do it. But the deeper into the winter the campaign goes, the more Thompson benefits. A Fred Thompson nomination, a slim election victory over Hillary ­Clinton, a stealth pro-lifer slipped on the Supreme Court through a Democratic Senate—that weak ­scenario is about the best a social conservative can hope for today. Everything else is bad. Very bad. For the whole article as well as predictions by others, here's the link:

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