Sunday, May 18, 2008

Surprised by Hope by N. T. Wright

I am enjoying Surprised by Hope by Bishop N. T. Wright. .... here are a few excerpts from the intro, to whet your appetite.

"This book addresses two questions. First, what is the ultimate Chritian hope? Second, what hope is there for change, rescue, transformation, new possibilities within the world in the present? ....As long as we see Christian hope in terms of "going to heaven," of a salvation that is essentially away from this world, the two questions are bound to appear as unrelated. Indeed, some insist angrily that to ask the second one at all is to ignore the first one....But if the Chritian hope is for God's new creation, for 'new heavens and new earth,' and if that hope has already come to life in Jesus of Nazareth, then there is every reason to join the two questions together. And if that is so, we find that answering the one is also answering the other." p.5

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