Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Douglas Wilson/Christopher Hitchens; on the circuit, debating,discussing their book..
Blog and Mablog
Common Ground
Topic: Shameless Appeals
Doug Wilson posts:
Well, I met Christopher Hitchens today, and we got on quite well. As I have mentioned before, we have a very competent camera crew pursuing us to document all this stuff, so you can see a bunch of this for yourself later on. In this space, I will start pounding the drum for this film just as soon as it gets a name.
We met at Christopher's hotel, walked up the street a bit to a very fine coffee joint, and had a good get-acquainted visit. From there we went to Christopher's next hotel, and headed over to The King's College from that hotel.
We had a town hall style meeting at the college, with Marvin Olasky moderating. They have a fine operation going on there, with lively, intelligent students, and a lot of back and forth between Christopher and me in response to the questions. Quite invigorating stuff. Afterwards, we signed books, and went upstairs to a great lunch hosted by the college. The highlight of lunch was a good fifteen minutes or so where our shared appreciation of P.G. Wodehouse came out, along with a great deal of hilarity, as we quoted favorite passages and metaphors back and forth to each other. Ah, common ground.
After that, we headed over to the Barnes & Noble at Union Square to do a rogue signing of our book, and then we were returned to our respective hotels, where I now sit ensconced in mine, typing. But you knew that. Christopher is going off this evening to a ginormous synagogue to debate with a rabbi, while I am headed over to Columbia University to visit with the atheist and agnostic club there.
Tomorrow we head off to Philadelpia, and the event at Westminister Seminary. I will, Lord willing, post more tomorrow.
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Why should all Christians be involved in the political process?
The purpose of Civil Government is to serve as a righteous administrator of justice. It is to defend the people and it has the power of the sword to stop evil inside and outside our country. It is to protect the innocent and punish the evil doers.
Proverbs 21:1-3…….The king’s heart is in the hand of the Lord……….
Leaders or elected officials are held accountable as ministers of God. Those who serve as elected officers are there by the hand of God whether they recognize Him or not.
Therefore, government is established and allowed by our Sovereign God!
Micah 6:8 ……what does the Lord require of you……but to do justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with Him
It is the responsibility of citizens to exercise our freedom to vote! This determines our future freedom to worship, to raise our children as we believe best, and to live our lives as we choose, without fear.
We are to submit to those who have been elected. Romans 13:1…….. pay taxes, etc.
Here's a prayer for our upcoming election: Almighty God, to whom we must account for all our powers and privileges: Guide the people of the United States in the election of our next President, our officials and all our representatives; that, by faithful administration and wise laws, the rights of all may be protected and our nation be enabled to fulfill your purposes; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
A Political Program for Christians
1. Self-discipline under God's revealed law
2. Avoiding the centralization of power (localism)
3. Service as the principle of dominion
4. Personal responsibility for one's actions
5. The family as the primary agency of welfare
6. Salvation by grace--not knowledge, or power or law (State legislation)
7. Compound growth over long periods of time (anti-revolution)
8 Neither individualism nor collectivism is the way---covenantalism instead
Whenever a Christian begins to think about various specific social, military, political, educational, or economic problems, he has to think through these fundamentals, and then apply them to the specific field of study. This is as true of monetary theory as it is in the other fields.
from p. 37 Honest Money: biblical Principles of Money and Banking, Gary North
Honest Money
I just took off the shelf a book printed in 1986 by Dr. Gary North, Honest Money: Biblical Principles of Money and Banking.
Truly honest money is market-produced monies coupled with 100% reserve banking.
"So when the money failed in the land of Egypt and in the land of Canaan, all the Egyptians came to Joseph and said, "give us bread, for why should we die in your presence? For the money has failed." Gen 47:15
He says: "In Egypt, the money failed because everyone wanted the same thing, grain, and nobody was willing to give up any grain except the Pharaoh. Trade either ceased or slowed down drastically. Money ceased to serve as a means of trade. The famine made people poor, and as trade was reduced, they became even poorer. The division of labor collapsed. This means that the specialization of production collapsed."
The principles governing the value of money are these:
1. Economic action begins with an ordered set of wants (first, second, third, etc.).
2. A world of scarcity doesn't permit us to achieve all of our desires at the same time.
3. To increase output, we need capital (tools).
4. We have to sacrifice present income in order to obtain capital.
5. The value of the tool to each person is dependent on the expected value (to him) of the futher output of the tool
6. Value is imputed by a person to goods and services; it is therefore subjective.
7. Past costs are economically irrelevant; present and future income are all that matter.
He predicted a time of "international financial crisis of historically unprecendented proportions." Maybe it is now upon us??? He says the Christian's job is to begin obeying God's laws in advance, to show good faith. A man deeply in debt can be only half-hearted in his commitment to honest, debt-free money. Now is the good time to begin getting out of debt, so that you can in good conscience and full devotion proclaim the Biblical principles of honest money.
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Let's have stained glass church windows....for our health :-)

AUL Action Responds to Presidential Candidate Debate
Washington, DC -- After calling on Bob Schieffer to address the issue of abortion in tonight's debate, AUL Action was very pleased to hear Schieffer ask Senators Obama and McCain about the critical issue of appointments to the Supreme Court. There was no disagreement that this election will result in important changes on the Court. In many ways, this is one of the most significant issues for our country that has received the least amount of attention in this campaign. Schieffer is to be commended for bringing Court appointments into the debate.
Senator Obama made it clear that his approach to judicial appointments -- which goes beyond the Supreme Court -- involves a pro-Roe, pro-abortion litmus test.
And Obama continued his habit of twisting the facts when he responded to Senator McCain's statements about his past votes against protecting babies born alive after a failed abortion: Barack Obama is on record voting four times against offering protections to such children while in the Illinois Senate.
"I hope the American people notice that while Barack Obama misled them about his past record on abortion, he also refused to mention what he promised Planned Parenthood in July 2007 -- that the first thing he would do as President is sign the Freedom of Choice Act (FOCA)," said Charmaine Yoest, President of AUL Action.
"FOCA is a bill pending before the US Senate that would eliminate every abortion regulation in the country including popular laws such as parental notification, informed consent, and bans on partial birth abortion. FOCA means abortion on demand, in all nine months of pregnancy, for any reason, nationwide and paid for by your tax dollars. The American people deserve to know the real truth about Barack Obama's record and position on abortion."
AUL Action is the legislative arm of Americans United for Life (AUL). The first national pro-life organization in America, AUL has been committed to defending human life through vigorous judicial, legislative, and educational efforts at both the federal and state levels since 1971. In addition, AUL has been involved in every pro-life case before the Supreme Court since Roe v. Wade.
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Here'a a contrast between the Democratic and Republican Party Platforms......
Contrasting the Party Platforms
Democratic Platform
* "support the full inclusion of all families, including same-sex couples, in the life of our nation, and support equal responsibility, benefits, and protections."
* "oppose the Defense of Marriage Act"
* "reproductive health care"
* "reaffirm our support for the Equal Rights Amendment, recommit to enforcing Title IX, and urge passage of the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women."
* universal "comprehensive healthcare"
* "vigorously oppose 'Right-to-Work' Laws and 'paycheck protection' efforts"
* "expand the Family and Medical Leave Act . . . and make leave paid."
* "an economy-wide cap and trade program"
* "a world-class education, from early childhood through college"
* "early childhood care and education available to every American child from the day he or she is born"
* "bilingual education"
* "the first $4,000 of a college education is completely free for most Americans"
* "lift the current Administration's ban on using federal funding for embryonic stem cells"
* "need stronger international institutions"
* "a free, quality, basic education for every child in the world."
* "reduce oil consumption by at least 35 percent, or ten million barrels per day, by 2030."
* "defeat the epochal, man-made threat to the planet: climate change."
* "comprehensive immigration reform, not just piecemeal efforts."
* "Global climate change is the planet's greatest threat"
* "increase funding to domestic violence and sexual assault prevention programs."
* "support the Violence Against Women Act"
* "support affirmative action"
* "oppose laws that require identification in order to vote or register to vote" . . . "oppose tactics which purge eligible voters from voter rolls."
* "support congressional representation for the citizens of our nation's capital."
Republican Platform
* "uphold the rule of law" . . . "completing the border fence quickly" . . . "enforcement at the workplace against illegal workers and lawbreaking employers" . . . "use the E-Verify system" . . . "denial of federal funds for sanctuary cities" . . . "oppose amnesty"
* "reject UN convention on women's rights . . . UN convention on the rights of the child . . . Law of the Sea Treaty"
* "not accept the jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court over Americans"
* "not lead to a North American union or a unified currency"
* "ensure that China fulfills its WTO obligations, especially those related to protecting intellectual property rights, elimination of subsidies, and repeal of import restrictions."
* "Judicial activism is a grave threat to the rule of law because unaccountable federal judges are usurping democracy, ignoring the Constitution . . . This must stop."
* "condemn the Supreme Court's disregard of homeowners' property rights in its Kelo decision"
* "insist on the appointment of constitutionalist judges, men and women who will not distort our founding documents to deny the people's right to self-government . . . or inject foreign law into American jurisprudence"
* "support the right of states to require an official government-issued photo identification for voting"
* "support tax credits for health care and medical expenses"
* "a secret ballot in union referenda"
* "a truly level playing field will mean more American jobs, higher wages, and a better standard of living"
* "trade rules [must] make sure that free trade is indeed a two-way street"
* "more American oil from American soil . . . support accelerated exploration , drilling and development in America"
* "caution against the doomsday climate change scenarios peddled by the aficionados of centralized command-and-control government"
* "address the risk of climate change based on sound science without succumbing to no-growth radicalism"
* "All Americans should receive the same tax benefit as those who are insured through work"
* "support parental rights to consent to medical treatment for their children including mental health treatment, drug treatment, alcohol treatment, and treatment involving pregnancy, contraceptives and abortion"
* "education is a parental right"
* "support the law prohibiting gambling over the Internet"
* "call for a constitutional amendment that fully protects marriage as a union of a man and a woman, so that judges cannot make other arrangements equivalent to it."
* "urge Congress to use its Article III, Section 2 power to prevent activist federal judges from imposing upon the rest of the nation the judicial activism in Massachusetts and California"
* "the public display of the Ten Commandments"
* "the First Amendment right of freedom of association of the Boy Scouts of America"
Monday, October 13, 2008
Saint Cornelius
The PriestMartyr Cornelius the Centurion: Soon after the sufferings on the Cross of the Lord Jesus Christ and after His Ascension into Heaven, there settled at Caesarea in Palestine a centurion by the name of Cornelius, who earlier had lived in Thracian Italy. Although he was a pagan, he distinguished himself by deep piety and good deeds, as the holy Evangelist Luke testifies about him (Acts 10:1). The Lord did not disdain his virtuous life and led him to the understanding of truth through the enlightening light of faith in Christ.
One time Cornelius was at prayer in his home. An Angel of God appeared to him and said, that his prayer had been heard and accepted by God, and commanded him to send people to Joppa to Simon, called Peter. Cornelius immediately fulfilled the command. While those dispatched were on their way to Joppa, the Apostle Peter was at prayer, during which time he had a vision: thrice were lowered down vessels in visage of great plenitude, filled with meats and fowl. From Heaven he heard a voice, commanding him to eat of everything. At the refusal of the apostle there followed a reply: "What God hath purified, regard not as unclean" (Acts 10:15).
By means of this vision the Lord commanded the Apostle Peter to go at preaching the Word of God to the pagans. When the Apostle Peter in the company of those sent to meet him arrived at the house of Cornelius, he was received with great joy and respect by the host together with his kinsmen and comrades. Cornelius on his knees bowed down to the apostle and requested to be taught the way of salvation. The apostle began to preach about the earthly life of Jesus Christ, about the miracles and signs worked by the Saviour, about His sufferings, the teachings about the Kingdom of Heaven, the death on the Cross, the Resurrection and Ascent into Heaven. By grace under the influence of the Holy Spirit, Cornelius believed in Christ and was baptised together with all his kinsfolk. He was the first pagan to receive Baptism.
He retired from the world and went preaching the Gospel together with the Apostle Peter, who made him a bishop. When the Apostle Peter, together with his helpers Saints Timothy and Cornelius, was in the city of Ephesus, he learned of a particularly vigorous idol-worship in the city of Skepsis. Lots were drawn as to whom that would go there, falling upon Saint Cornelius. In the city lived a prince by the name of Demetrios, learned in the ancient Greek philosophy, hating Christianity and venerating the pagan gods, in particular Apollo and Theos/Deus (Zeus). Learning about the arrival of Saint Cornelius in the city, he immediately summoned him and asked him the reason for his coming. Saint Cornelius answered that he came to free him from the darkness of ignorance and lead him to knowledge of the True Light. The prince, not comprehending the meaning of what was said, became angry and demanded him to answer each of his questions. When Saint Cornelius explained, that he serves the Lord and that the reason for his coming consists in an announcement of the Truth, the prince became enraged and demanded from Cornelius an offering of sacrifice to the idols. The saint asked to be shewn the gods. When he entered the pagan temple, Cornelius turned towards the East and bending down on his knees, he uttered a prayer to the Lord. There began an earthquake, and the temple of Zeus and the idols situated in it were destroyed. All the populace, seeing what had happened, were terrified. The prince was even more vexed and began to take counsel together with those approaching him, about how to destroy Cornelius. They bound the saint and took him to prison for the night. At this point one of his servants informed the prince the grievous news that his wife and child had perished beneath the rubble of the destroyed temple. But a certain while later one of the pagan-priests, by the name of Barbates, reported that he heard the voice of the wife and son somewhere in the ruins and that they were praising the God of the Christians. The pagan-priest asked to free the imprisoned one, as gratitude for the miracle worked by Saint Cornelius, in that the wife and son of the prince remained alive. The joyous prince in the company of those about him hastened to the prison, declaring that he believed in Christ and asking him to lead out his wife and son from somewhere in the ruins of the temple. Saint Cornelius set off to the destroyed idol-temple, and through prayer the suffering were freed. After this the prince Demetrios, and all his kinsmen and comrades accepted holy Baptism. Saint Cornelius lived for a long time in this city, converted to Christ all the pagan inhabitants, and made Eunomios a presbyter for service to the Lord. Saint Cornelius died in old age and was buried not far from the pagan temple destroyed by him.
Friday, October 10, 2008
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
The Financial Meltdown and Barack Obama
It is beyond me why anyone really believes it is the Republicans of the past 8 years who are responsible for the current financial meltdown...The financial crisis didn't just begin in the past 8 years; the shaky economic foundations were laid long ago by spendthrifts from both parties. I believe I heard today that Barack Obama outspent John McCain 9 to 1 with the votes he has cast during his short term as a senator. The Democrats need to own up to the "lion's share" of the cause of or economic debacle. Our actions really do have consequences.....and they'll catch up with us sooner or later! Read about these entangling alliances, courses of action and what they have sown:
from Planting Seeds of Disaster
ACORN, Barack Obama and the Democratic Party
by Stanley Kurtz of the Ethics and Public Policy Institute
Up to now, conventional wisdom on the financial meltdown has relegated ACORN and the CRA to bit parts. The real problem, we’ve been told, lay with Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. In fact, however, ACORN is at the base of the whole mess. ACORN used CRA and Democratic sympathizers to entangle Fannie and Freddie and the entire financial system in a disastrous disregard of the most basic financial standards. And Barack Obama cut his teeth as an organizer and politician backing up ACORN’s economic madness every step of the way.
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Peter Leithart is Exonerated by his Presbytery
This is such good news...I had to copy and paste from Jeff Meyers' blog....for those of you interested in the "Federal Vision" and the PCA, here's some big news:
Letters were written. Accusations were made on blogs and in print. Peter Leithart was condemned as theologically heterodox in these letters, blogs, and articles. A few years ago (2004-5) the Pacific Northwest Presbytery (PCA) appointed a committee to look into Peter's theology. Peter is a member of that presbytery. They exonerated him. You can download and read that April 2005 document here.
The accusations, however, did not cease. They kept coming. This year his presbytery appointed yet another committee to exam his theology. That committee produced a majority report that concluded that Dr. Leithart was within the bounds of Reformed orthodoxy and a minority report that claimed the opposite. The reports were discussed and debated on the floor of the presbytery last week. The presbytery overwhelmingly voted for the majority report. You can read the majority report, the minority report, and Peter's response here. Make sure you read Peter's careful response at the end. It's worth your time.
I'm afraid that this presbytery action will not end the accusations.
McCain's spiritual journeys....
THIS is a link to an informative article in Christianity Today about John McCain's spirituality.
Monday, October 6, 2008
David M. Smolin holds Harwell G. Davis Chair of Constitutional Law

Sunday, October 5, 2008
Alabama Symphony Orchestra MasterWorks series.....
Gilbert and I have been enjoying the MasterWorks Series at Alabama Symphony Orchestra. The next one will be on Nov 7th and will feature a flautist and two Symphonies in C. Here are more details about the upcoming program:
Symphonies in C Major anchor this program of master composers: Sibelius dramatic one-movement Symphony No. 7 and Schumann's uplifting Symphony No. 2. Celebrated for her "flawless technical command" and "profound interpretive instincts," flutist Marina Piccinini makes her ASO debut in Nielsen's witty Flute Concerto.
Conductor and Performers
Marina Piccinini, Flute
Justin Brown, Conductor
Time & Location
November 7 & 8
Alys Stephens Center
Jemison Hall
8 PM
Highland Associates Concert Comments
Reynolds Kirshbaum Hall 7PM
Sibelius Symphony No. 7 in C Major
Nielsen Flute Concerto
Schumann Symphony No. 2 in C Major
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There is an excellent article in the Jan/Feb 2009 issue of Touchstone Magazine written by Stephen Baskerville, an associate professor of Gov...
" The front door of the home is the side door to the church." Over the years, Gilbert and I have had opportunities to welcome pe...