Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Douglas Wilson/Christopher Hitchens; on the circuit, debating,discussing their book..

Blog and Mablog Common Ground Topic: Shameless Appeals Doug Wilson posts: Well, I met Christopher Hitchens today, and we got on quite well. As I have mentioned before, we have a very competent camera crew pursuing us to document all this stuff, so you can see a bunch of this for yourself later on. In this space, I will start pounding the drum for this film just as soon as it gets a name. We met at Christopher's hotel, walked up the street a bit to a very fine coffee joint, and had a good get-acquainted visit. From there we went to Christopher's next hotel, and headed over to The King's College from that hotel. We had a town hall style meeting at the college, with Marvin Olasky moderating. They have a fine operation going on there, with lively, intelligent students, and a lot of back and forth between Christopher and me in response to the questions. Quite invigorating stuff. Afterwards, we signed books, and went upstairs to a great lunch hosted by the college. The highlight of lunch was a good fifteen minutes or so where our shared appreciation of P.G. Wodehouse came out, along with a great deal of hilarity, as we quoted favorite passages and metaphors back and forth to each other. Ah, common ground. After that, we headed over to the Barnes & Noble at Union Square to do a rogue signing of our book, and then we were returned to our respective hotels, where I now sit ensconced in mine, typing. But you knew that. Christopher is going off this evening to a ginormous synagogue to debate with a rabbi, while I am headed over to Columbia University to visit with the atheist and agnostic club there. Tomorrow we head off to Philadelpia, and the event at Westminister Seminary. I will, Lord willing, post more tomorrow.

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