Saturday, December 29, 2007

American War for Independence

I gave this set to Gilbert for Christmas.

American War for Independence: Men and Battles

I just listened to the first CD and learned a lot of background re British wonder we won! But it scares me a bit to think about the future in regards to our present-day American culture! All I can say is "Onward Christian Soldiers." Let's pray and work for the advance of our Lord's kingdom ....these earthly ones seem to be built on sand!

Lillback, Wilkins, and Wilson blaze a trail of early American history wide enough to fit seventeen cranky liberal historians abreast. These lectures dispel popular myths about the American War for Independence (or as the British often called it, the "Presbyterian Rebellion") and illumine the triumphs of unsung battlefield saints, such as Israel Putnam and Francis Marion.
The following topics are included in this set :
1. 18th Century English Clintons - Steve Wilkins
2. The Black Regiment - Douglas Wilson
3. Richard H. Lee - Steve Wilkins
4. God and General Washington - Peter Lillback
5. Israel Putnam - Steve Wilkins
6. Valley Forge: The Battle for the Soul of America - Peter Lillback
7. Francis Marion - Douglas Wilson
8. Paul Revere & the Midnight Ride of the Huguenots - Peter Lillback
9. The Battle of Saratoga - Douglas Wilson
10. Questions & Answers - Lillback, Wilkins, & Wilson

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Lillback especially is a powerhouse of American history - the president of the NRB calls him "America's Christian history expert." I'm reading his newest book Wall of Misconception, and it's another one hit out of the park. I think that Lillback is the next great American historian destined to become a household name!