Sunday, March 30, 2008

VMI Military History Tour March 2008

Gilbert and John just returned from touring WWI and WWII battlefields in France, Luxembourg and Germany. The "dragon's teeth" in the fields were to prevent tanks from rolling through. These were the fields where the movie "Band of Brothers" is set.....during the Battle of the Bulge.

They were honored to visit the grave of General George S. Patton, Jr. Incidentally, Gilbert and I met George Patton, III back in the early 80's when he came to Birmingham for a speaking engagement.

In Bastogne they saw General MacAuliffe's headquarters. The city is now home of a Belgium army base; they saw some soldiers outside the historic MacAuliffe hdqtrs practicing for their honor guard.... When the Germans demanded that MacAuliffe surrender he wrote back ...... "NUTS"...hence the Nuts theme stuck with the town.

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