Thursday, March 20, 2008

"spiritually eating and drinking one another"......

Some of the Glovers came to Maundy Thursday Love feast at church tonight! It was so nice to have Rose Ellen and their three youngest children with us. The men of the church served a lasagne supper, we sang hymns, heard the Word and had was a blessing. Here's a nice quote from the bulletin...
"I will therefore give myself as a Christ to my neighbor, as Christ offered himself to me...we ought...each one of us to become as it were a Christ to the other that we may be Christ to one another and Christ may be the same in all, that is, that we may be truly Christians...and just as one member serves another in such an integrated body, so each one eats and drinks the other; that is, each consumes the other in every drink, and each one is food and drink to one another, just as Christ is simply food and drink to us. Through believing the word which the soul takes and receives into itself, we eat the Lord. My neighbor in turn eats me together with my possessions, my body and my life; I give him this and eveything that I have and let him make use of everything in all his needs. In the same way when I in turn am poor and in trouble and need my neighbor, I'll allow myself to be helped and served. And in this way we are made part of one another so that one helps the other just as Christ has helped us. This is what it means that we spiritually eat and drink one another." Martin Luther

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