Sunday, December 30, 2007
VMI Band in Rose Bowl Parade
Saturday, December 29, 2007
Oliver North's "Persons of the Year"....
tribute to Benazir Bhutto by Condoleezza Rice
American War for Independence

I just listened to the first CD and learned a lot of background re British wonder we won! But it scares me a bit to think about the future in regards to our present-day American culture! All I can say is "Onward Christian Soldiers." Let's pray and work for the advance of our Lord's kingdom ....these earthly ones seem to be built on sand!
1. 18th Century English Clintons - Steve Wilkins
2. The Black Regiment - Douglas Wilson
3. Richard H. Lee - Steve Wilkins
4. God and General Washington - Peter Lillback
5. Israel Putnam - Steve Wilkins
6. Valley Forge: The Battle for the Soul of America - Peter Lillback
7. Francis Marion - Douglas Wilson
8. Paul Revere & the Midnight Ride of the Huguenots - Peter Lillback
9. The Battle of Saratoga - Douglas Wilson
10. Questions & Answers - Lillback, Wilkins, & Wilson
The Top 12 Blunders of the Presidential Campaign....
Friday, December 28, 2007
Black Russian/White Russian
The Holy Innocents
We read in Matthew 2 that when Jesus was born in Bethlehem, King Herod, fearing for his throne, ordered that all the male infants of Bethlehem be killed. These children are regarded as martyrs for the Gospel -- "martyrs in fact though not in will." Augustine called them "buds, killed by the frost of persecution the moment they showed themselves."
written by James Kiefer
We remember today, O God, the slaughter of the holy innocents of Bethlehem by King Herod. Receive, we pray, into the arms of your mercy all innocent victims; and by your great might frustrate the designs of evil tyrants and establish your rule of justice, love, and peace; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen. The Daily Office
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
Thursday, December 20, 2007
Our Lord's coming.....

Here is a quote from St. Augustine on the Lord's "coming."
"The first coming of Christ the Lord, God's Son and our God, was in obscurity, no one recognized him but his own servants; when he comes openly he will be known by both good people and bad. When he came in obscurity, it was to be judged; when he comes openly it will be to judge."
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Evangelism Opportunity.....

an advent prayer.....
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
A Faith That is Never Alone

“Combining careful, thought-provoking exegesis with a deep indebtedness to Calvin’s emphasis on union with Christ, the contributors to A Faith That Is Never Alone engage in stimulating theological reflection on the relationship of faith and good works. While their conclusions will no doubt elicit a wide range of responses from the Reformed community, they cannot be easily dismissed. In short, A Faith That Is Never Alone is a valuable contribution to the ongoing debate over justification.” Douglas J. Green Professor of Old Testament and Biblical Theology Westminster Theological Seminary
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Abortion Politics 2008
Friday, December 7, 2007
O Christmas tree, O Christmas tree....

Parmesan Shortbread
Fresh Flowers

Thursday, December 6, 2007
.....Fred's stand on the issues
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
80th Birthday

My mother (Rose Mary Semon Nettles) was born born Dec 3, 1927. We celebrated her 80th birthday this weekend with a nice party in Selma, Alabama. All her children and grandchildren were present except our son, John and Tiffany's son Braxton. ....that means Cindy/Gilbert, Mary Jane/Clay, Rose Ellen/Michael and Johnny/Tiffany and 20 grandchildren were in attendance. AND in addition, Mama's siblings, Uncle Manny and Aunt Dessie made it and friends from UMW, PineBelt, the surrounding communities AND some relatives drove from neighboring states to attend! It was a happy occasion for all and we're planning to do it again in 20 years!
Sunday, December 2, 2007
A Collect for Sunday
Thursday, November 29, 2007
like Miss Congeniality, I'm for "World Peace"....seriously
Monday, November 26, 2007
Thursday, November 22, 2007
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
A day in the life of a military chaplain....
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Bury St Edmunds
Friday, November 16, 2007
Prayer.....notes from Luke 18:9-14
Friday, November 9, 2007
Rikard's Mill

Wednesday, November 7, 2007
Thompson Delegates...State-At-Large

Tuesday, November 6, 2007
It's Rosemary's birthday....

I found a poem just for you!
A daughter brings a special joy,
With every year that passes,
No words can describe the warm memories,
Monday, November 5, 2007
Toxic Stress
Rebuilding Iraq...
Weighing in.....

Go eat your bread with joy,
And drink your wine with a merry heart;
Monday, October 29, 2007

Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Enthusiasm alone.......
Tuesday, October 23, 2007

ECCLESIA SEMPER REFORMATA --the Church is always reforming
THIS SUNDAY, OCTOBER 28, 2007, 4:00 PM
Gilbert’s Famous Beer-Can Chicken provided!
Bring your lawn chairs, and a side dish, drink or dessert
Children’s Moon Walk, Games, Tug of War, Bon Fire, Special Music
On the Eve of All Saints, Day, October 31, 1517, Augustinian Father Doctor Martin Luther, professor of scripture at the University of Wittenberg, Germany posted an invitation to debate on the door of the Wittenberg Cathedral. The invitation to debate contained ninety-five points, or theses, concerning the sale of indulgences. Luther chose this date for posting his theses because the coming holyday would bring many of the community to services, ensuring that his statements would receive wide exposure.
The Church is in constant need of ongoing renewal. Jeremiah 31:31-34 tells of the coming New Covenant where God will write His law on every human heart. Romans 3:19-28 declares the central tenet of the Reformation, that one is justified by faith apart from works of the law. John 8:31-36 enjoins us to be constant in the Word in order to be freed by the One who is Truth.
And since the law is not yet perfectly inscribed on every heart and all are not yet fully devoted to the Word, the task of Reformation is not yet complete. Ecclesia semper Reformata--the Church is always reforming.
Monday, October 22, 2007
Fall at VMI

We went to Lexington, Virginia this past weekend where we attended parent's weeend at VMI...John is a 1st Classman now. This was our last parent's weekend and I admit, I will really miss the trip and event in the future! It has been a lot of fun and has been a blessing to see how the Lord has been maturing our son through the years! Overall, he has had many positive experiences at VMI. We have made good friends with a number of parents of John's classmates and have enjoyed unbelievably good food at the tailgate parties. On Friday, we had a picnic at Goshen's Pass, a lovely place nearby in the Shenandoah Valley. The fall colors were beautiful and we enjoyed climbing on the rocks in the riverbed of the Maury River. Wish you all could have been with us!
..there are no tricks to prayer
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Cultural commentaries....

Peter J. Leithart, October 15, 2007
Over at the Books & Culture online magazine, Jason Byassee of the Christian Century - and a Duke PhD - lists some of the best lines from Will Blythe's To Hate Like This Is to Be Happy Forever: A Thoroughly Obsessive, Intermittently Uplifting, and Occasionally Unbiased Account of the Duke-North Carolina Basketball Rivalry (HarperCollins, 2006):
"The delight in the book is Blythe's hand as a wordsmith. Interestingly (from this Dukie’s perspective) some of his greatest phrases come in begrudging praise of Duke players past and present. A crucial three-pointer fired in crunch time by Ichabod Crane lookalike Mike Dunleavy brought this delightful curse: 'If the shot didn't fall cleanly through the hoop and stab me in the heart like the sneakiest cheatin’ girlfriend.' Bobby Hurley was a 'New Jersey white kid' who used to 'blaze up and down the court like a Chevy Camaro about to throw a rod.' And more recent Duke great J.J. Redick would weave his 'ceaseless figure eights around the court, rubbing defenders off big men down low, darting for the cover of successive screens like a roach desperately seeking a hiding place' . . . "But Blythe wields a powerful pen praising the Tar Heels as well. Shooter Joe Forte could launch jumpshots that fell 'into the net like groceries plopped into a bag by a pimply checkout boy.' When all-time great Michael Jordan dunked the ball, he would 'throw it down as if punishing it for insubordination.' And when Sean May almost single-handedly defeated Illinois for the national title, he did so by 'fouling out every big man in the state of Illinois, including ones not yet born.' The gentle giant had magnificent hands: 'Watching him shoot was akin to watching a bear dine on salmon with a knife and fork—such unexpected refinement captured one's notice.'"
Monday, October 15, 2007
If there is....
Sunday, October 14, 2007
Trinity Presbyterian

Did you know today is the 20th Lord's day of Trinity season? Our church is named Trinity Presbyterian.
Our pastor says:
Understanding the Trinity is the key to understanding ourselves. God’s Triune existence is a model for humanity, made in the image of the God who is three-in-one. Because God is a communal being, we know we were made to live in community as well, indwelling one another’s lives as the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit all indwell one another. The Trinity is our pattern: As God is, so the church should be – a holy family, sharing a common life. As God lives, so we should live – in mutual love and fellowship. As God does, so we should do – giving ourselves to one another in humble service and sacrifice. Our church desires to be a place where the Trinity is not just a doctrine, but a way of life.
“Church” comes from the Greek term ekklesia, meaning “the called out ones.” As a community of God’s people, we have been called out of the world in order to serve the world. We are against the world as it is, so we can be for the world, reshaping it by God’s grace into what it should be. Biblically, the church is defined as God’s temple and kingdom, as well as Christ’s body and bride. It is a royal priesthood, the City of God, and the new Israel. The church is the place of salvation and the one institution that will endure for all eternity. When family and state have disappeared, the church will still stand. Not even the gates of hell can prevail against her.
.....AND about being Presbyterian,
We are “Presbyterian,” in that we trace our lineage back through the great Reformation of the 16th and 17th centuries. This is our theological and ecclesiastical heritage. While we believe the church is always in need of reformation – and hence view “Reformation” as a continuing “project” rather than a finished “product” – we are greatly thankful for the renewal God gave to his church during that crucial period of history. Reformed hallmarks include the sovereignty of God in saving his people from sin, an aspiration to glorify God in all of life and culture, a focus on the exclusivity of Jesus Christ as incarnate Son of God and only Savior, justification by a living faith, and the ultimate authority of the Scriptures as God’s perfect and final revelation. We desire to learn from our brethren in other branches of the church and we do not believe the Reformed tradition is flawless. But we also believe Presbyterian faith and practice best exemplifies the biblical pattern for the church in the present time, and this historical connection is a major feature of our church’s identity.
Saturday, October 13, 2007
Edward the Confessor
Friday, October 12, 2007
prayers from BCP for today....
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
The Next President
Tuesday, October 9, 2007
....caring for orphans
Saturday, October 6, 2007

This is a "peace" rose. Isn't it beautiful. It was on a bush in my mother's back yard and I picked it and made this arrangement for her.
After WWII a peace rose (the most famous and successful garden rose) was given to each of the delegates at the inauguration of the UN with the note: "We hope the 'Peace' rose will influence men’s thoughts for everlasting world peace".
Jim Jordan says in "How to stop the killing in Darfur" that the world is not changed by direct human action. The world is changed when God is persuaded to change it. The Church alone has the power to come before the Throne and cause the world to be changed.....the church, not the UN! Priests are to sing psalms in the presence of God on behalf of the world (that's us...remember the priesthood of ALL believers). He says the prayers for justice and vengeance are scattered all over the book of Psalms and that it is very clear that God promises to change the world, to turn the world upside down, when His people come into His presence during worship and pray as the importunate widow "avenge me on mine adversary." (Luke 18) He says it's liturgical warfare...conquering principalities and powers in high places, and it will bring peace to the world! I'm going to try to sing (or chant) the psalms more often!Wednesday, October 3, 2007
Pastor Nazareth from Tanzania
Tuesday, October 2, 2007
Don't forget to order your tickets for Bella
Remorse vs Repentance
Monday, October 1, 2007
Walking uprightly
Sunday, September 30, 2007
Onward Christian Scholars
Dating, Courtship and Marriage
Friday, September 28, 2007
Family Matters
Thursday, September 27, 2007
Why pray?
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Married with Children...Could anything be crazier?
Monday, September 24, 2007
Thank you Dr. Bollinger..
Bella coming to Birmingham
Books on Order
Sunday, September 23, 2007
RWOS Meeting Wednesday, Sept 26
Thursday, September 20, 2007
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Cheers, to your health!
An extensive body of data shows concordant J-shaped associations between alcohol intake and a variety of adverse health outcomes, including coronary heart disease, diabetes, hypertension, congestive heart failure, stroke, dementia, Raynaud's phenomenon, and all-cause mortality. Light to moderate alcohol consumption (up to 1 drink daily for women and 1 or 2 drinks daily for men) is associated with cardioprotective benefits, whereas increasingly excessive consumption results in proportional worsening of outcomes. Alcohol consumption confers cardiovascular protection predominately through improvements in insulin sensitivity and high-density lipoprotein cholesterol. The ethanol itself, rather than specific components of various alcoholic beverages, appears to be the major factor in conferring health benefits. Low-dose daily alcohol is associated with better health than less frequent consumption. Binge drinking, even among otherwise light drinkers, increases cardiovascular events and mortality. Alcohol should not be universally prescribed for health enhancement to nondrinking individuals owing to the lack of randomized outcome data and the potential for problem drinking.
Cardioprotective alcohol intake is generally defined as 1 or 2 drinks per day for men and 1 drink per day for women. A drink is considered to be 12 oz beer, 5 oz wine, 1.5 oz 80-proof spirits, or 1 oz 100-proof spirits, all of which contain approximately 13 g to 15 g ethanol.
The St. James Daily Devotional Guide
Southern Living at Home Party
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Weight a minute!
The bottom line? It’s all about the calories. Both curbing calories and exercising more are both equally effective for losing weight. If you are not able to exercise as much, you have to cut your caloric intake. I think the South Beach is a good way to start. It is set up in 4 phases. Phase 1 is a 2 week FAST of carbohydrates. That means…..NO bread, NO sweetened anything (tea, soft drink, dessert, etc), and they even say NO fruit because of the high fructose…but it is only for 2 weeks. Basically during that time you only eat vegetables and meat and drink water, unsweetened or splenda sweetened drinks. I think we did eat sugar-free pudding on occasion for dessert. It was really hard to stay on it, but it really works. However, I might add that the Tufts research says this initial weight loss is mostly water-weight, but I think the fast also helps you quit craving sweets. After 2 weeks you can introduce fruits and whole wheat bread in moderation….that is to last for about 3-4 week. After that you may introduce a greater variety of carbohydrates. The recipes in the book are good. Gilbert and I really didn't stick with phase 3 or 4, but tried to maintain/blance our carbohydrate intake and exercise. I do think that in addition to the carb-cuts, it is best to cut the saturated fats and CUT OUT the trans-fats which South Beach doesn't emphasize. We're still working on these "life style" changes, i.e. taking in fewer calories than we expend!!! Here's what the Tufts University School of Nutrition says about South Beach...they point out the inconsistencies in the science.....I tend to agree with their analysis, but I don't think it hurts to use it as a "jump start" cut-out-the-sweet method for dieting. PS Of course, this as well as any type of weight-loss dieting "advice" should only be followed by non-pregnant, non-nursing women :-). |
Weighing In On the
Monday, September 17, 2007
From an old English parsonage down by the sea There came in the twilight a message to me; Its quaint Saxon legend, deeply engraven, Hath, it seems to me, teaching from Heaven. And on through the doors the quiet words ring Like a low inspiration: “DOE THE NEXTE THYNGE.” Many a questioning, many a fear, Many a doubt, hath its quieting here. Moment by moment, let down from Heaven, Time, opportunity, and guidance are given. Fear not tomorrows, child of the King, Thrust them with Jesus, doe the nexte thynge. Do it immediately, do it with prayer; Do it reliantly, casting all care; Do it with reverence, tracing His hand Who placed it before thee with earnest command. Stayed on Omnipotence, safe ‘neath His wing, Leave all results, doe the nexte thynge Looking for Jesus, ever serener, Working or suffering, be thy demeanor; In His dear presence, the rest of His calm, The light of His countenance be thy psalm, Strong in His faithfulness, praise and sing. Then, as He beckons thee, doe the nexte thynge.--Anonymous
Here is an exhortation on marriage.
Gilbert and I are in our 30th year of marriage, I would add particularly for wives, to "pray without ceasing" for your spouse, family and never give up on using the helps the Lord has given for every area of life (in addition to prayer, obey His word and participate in covenant renewing worship)...especially when those feelings of alone-ness overwhelm or you think you are fending for yourself....remember that "feelings come and feelings go and feelings are deceiving"....and we are NEVER alone for the LORD is with us and will help us in our struggles with our marriages and families.
I guess my marriage and family mantra through the years has been ....ora et labora (pray and work) and never give the next thing to the glory of God!
Sunday, September 16, 2007

HAPPY CONSTITUTION DAY! Sept 17, 2007, marks the 220th year since the signing of the Constitution of the
I like what Justice Antonin Scalia said about the so-called “living Constitution”….
"...the Constitution that I interpret is not living but dead...It means today not what current society (much less the Court) thinks it ought to mean, but what it meant when it was adopted."
There is an excellent article in the Jan/Feb 2009 issue of Touchstone Magazine written by Stephen Baskerville, an associate professor of Gov...
" The front door of the home is the side door to the church." Over the years, Gilbert and I have had opportunities to welcome pe...